ICC celebrates the 5th anniversary of the Paris Agreement

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To mark the 5th anniversary of the signing of the Paris Agreement, here are five ways ICC has made climate action everyone’s business, five ways governments can support people and planet, and five reasons for businesses to take climate action.

 Five ways ICC has made climate action everyone’s business

  1. ICC Declaration on the next century of global business

The ICC Centenary Declaration, issued in May 2019 by ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO,  recognised the urgent need to respond to the growing climate emergency and endorsed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C.

  1. SME Climate Hub

The SME Climate Hub is a one-stop shop providing micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises with tools and resources to curb emissions and gain a competitive advantage. Launched during the 2020 New York Climate Week, the SME Climate Hub is co-hosted by ICC, the Exponential Roadmap Initiative, the We Mean Business coalition and the United Nations Race to Zero campaign. If you’re an SME business owner, make the SME Climate Commitment today and start taking action using the tools we have curated with the University of Oxford.

  1. Chambers Climate Coalition

The Chambers Climate Coalition is an unprecedented grassroots mobilisation of over 2,100 chambers of commerce – representing over 10 million local business leaders – committed to climate action. The Coalition has been recognised by the United Nations Race to Zero campaign for supporting the objective of achieving net zero emissions by 2050 to meet the Paris Agreement’s overarching objective.

  1. ICC Carbon Council

ICC established the ICC Carbon Council to create effective market-based mechanisms to create greater liquidity, transparency, accessibility, and standardisation in carbon markets. The inaugural meeting – held on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day – gathered major international firms, including Blackrock, BP, Macquarie Bank, RGE, Shell, Singapore Airlines, State Street, Temask, and others.